Kanka® Grill sells the world’s #1 portable rotisserie grill. It’s a charcoal-free grilling solution featuring a battery-powered geared motor to rotate skewers for hours on a single charge.

Project Summary

Every online store must upgrade with time to keep up with the ever-evolving technology and eCommerce. Kanka® Grill offers a versatile and portable rotisserie system that allows barbeque lovers to relish delicious cookouts. Unfortunately, though it provides unique cooking equipment, its heavily outdated website was hindering the sale of its product.

Therefore, our developers helped upgrade the online store to combine a smooth product exploration experience with an improved user experience to engage potential customers fully. In addition, we upgraded the store from Shopify to Shopify 2.0 for better site performance and exploding traffic compared to the old store.

Project Details

  • Role : Design & Development
  • Duration : 1.5 months
  • Website : https://kankagrill.com/
  • Tools :Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Shopify


Kanka® Grill needed a host of improvements to improve the page load speed. The bounce rate was high, and the user experience was deteriorating, leading to a fall in search engine rankings and sales. In addition, the online store needed an upgrade to scale up the performance and business.

Focusing on Google’s core web vitals was becoming cumbersome for Kanka® Grill while relying on the soon-to-be-obsolete old Shopify platform. Therefore, the premium brand for the world’s #1 rotisserie grill needed an advanced theme upgrade for better performance, improved user experience, and facelifting their site.



We helped Kanka® Grill offer their site visitors the most remarkable customer experience while raising their site’s core web vitals. Our developers migrated their store to Shopify 2.0, offering them more control over its operations. They could now add sections everywhere (not just the homepage) with improved metafield functionality.

Research Insights

  • Color

    To draw potential buyers to your items, it is essential to understand how colors and consumer behavior interact. Therefore, a few color utility classes and styling connections are beneficial.

  • Typography & Spacing

    With simplicity for site visitors, the headings, body text, spacing, width, line heights & font size all contribute to the subtle art of reading rhythm.

  • Layout

    A clearly defined site layout enhances the user experience. As a result, customers can navigate the website more easily, preventing them from abandoning it in frustration.

Fidelity Concepts

Fidelity ideas cannot constrain the degree of artistic nuances and intricacies. Therefore, you need an excellent design strategy to produce fantastic user experiences.


Lоw Fidelity

We brainstorm ideas on paper and develop as many unique designs as possible to set the groundwork for the next phase.


Medium Fidelity

We wireframe the collected ideas to create a semi-functional design to actualize the UX work. Finally, we remove any low-fidelity concepts that don't seem to work.


High Fidelity

This level represents a prototype very close to the final product and includes details and aesthetics of your UX designs.

Design System and Style

We developed a design system to enhance the entire procedure and user experience for the website. It not only promotes uniformity but also helps clients build new features faster.



At Nivara, we helped Kanka® Grill carry forward the years of innovation by assisting them in migrating their existing online store to Shopify 2.0 for enhanced performance. The efforts of our development team led to easy store migration from the Brooklyn theme to the Dawn theme (Shopify 2.0).

Our work with Kanka® Grill offered quicker load times and helped them take advantage of new features and functionality. Upgradation to Shopify 2.0 offers flexibility in page design as you can create custom sections on all pages, not just the home page. Furthermore, the updated website provides improved meta fields and enhanced configuration.
